Agriculture to benefit the youth opportunities offered by the state


The minister of agriculture and rural development accompanied by some members of government in July 2016 to March 2017 were on working visit to meet young Agricultural Entrepreneurs in the ten regions of Cameroon. This was to present opportunities offered by the state as far as the Agricultural sector is concern. During the period from July 2016 to 2017, Henri Eyebe Ayissi Cameroon’s Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development paid a working visit to the ten regions of the country, it was within the framework of information exchange and dialogue aimed at sensitizing young people of the concrete responses that the government of the Republic of Cameroon brings to a number of problems including access to knowledge education , information agricultural and other problems were identified  to which clarification are  given concerning the limited access of young people to land and finance.  Some concrete solutions to these problems are made through the projects and programs house within the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Some of these projects and programs are exclusively for young people. Others are willing to engage in economic partnerships with young finance investments intended to solve problem relating to the production, processing or marketing of agricultural products. There are even programs whose impact extends to other values chains such as traders, transporters and of course consumers. Through the meeting of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development with young agricultural entrepreneurs, a memorandum of understanding was signed with the Ministry of Youth and Civic Education. In this memorandum of understanding, young people play a pivotal role in ensuring their employment and ensuring their own food security and that of future generations.

                                                                             HERIS NANGE TOHNAIN