Forecasts and Dekadal Climate Alerts for the Period from 21st to 30th September 2024
Forecast summary
II.1. For Temperature
II.1.1. Maximum Temperature:
The following locali es have a high probability of experiencing an increase in mean maximum temperature compared to historical averages for the same period from 1979 to 2022. They include:
– Mokolo, Gamboura, Makary, Waza, Maga, Mindif, Kaele, Maroua and Kousseri, in the Far North region;
– Poli, Dembo Pitoa, Touboro, Tchollire, Rey-Bouba, Lagdo, Guider and Garoua, in the North region;
– Ngaou Mbol, Tiba , Banyo, Nassarao and Yimbere, in the Adamawa region;
– Bafia, Mbaka, Obala, Mbalmayo, Nanga-Eboko, Monatele, Nkoteng, Ntui, Mbandjock, Akonolinga, Ngoro, Yoko and Ayos, in the Centre region;
– Kongolo, Mbitom, Lomie, Yokadouma, Ngoyla, Libongo, Moloundou, Belabo, Batouri, Mbalam, Mindourou, Betare-Oya, Abong-Mbang,Koso, Bertoua, Mintoum, Mambele and Kika, in the East region;
– Sangmelima, Djoum, Minkoumou, Nyabizan, Kribi, Campo, Ebolowa, Zoetele and Ambam, in the South region;
– Nwa, Ako, Audu, Munkep and Furu-Awa, in the North West region;
– Tonga, Batcham, Bangangte, Fongo-Tongo, Koutaba and Makam, in the West region;
– Ngu , Ekok, Babong, Buea, Kumba, Idenau, Mamfe, Mundemba, Kumbe Balue, Bamusso, Dikome Bafaw, Muyuka, Eyumojock, Ekondo Ti ,Tiko, Limbe, Bakogo, Dikome and Balue, in the South West region;
– Yabassi, Ndoki , Ndokama, Mouanko, Manjo, Mbanga, Douala, Melong, Dibombari, Nkongsamba, Loum, Penja, Baptek, Nkondjock Yakanda, Dizangue and Edea, in the Littoral region.
NB1: This dekad from 21 to 30 September 2024 will be marked by maximum temperatures ranging between 24 and 36°C, over the national territory.
II.1.2. Minimum Temperature
The following locali es have a high probability of experiencing a decrease in minimum temperature compared to the historical mean recorded during the same period from 1979 to 2022. They include:
-Makary and Mora, in the Far North region; – Touboro and Guider, in the North region;
– Ngaoundere and Meiganga, in the Adamawa region; – Garoua-Boulai, in the East region;
– Ba e, Mbouda, Bafang, Foumbot, Bafoussam, Foumban, Dschang and Bana, in theWest region;
– Kumbo, in theNorth West region.
NB2: This dekad from 21 to 30 September 2024 will be marked by persistent cold nights (minimum temperatures between 18 and 22°C at night), in certain localies in the Monomodal rain forest zone (Buea, Idenau, Nkongsamba, Ngu, Etuku, Fontem, etc.), in the Bimodal rain forest zone (minimum temperatures between 20 and 22°C), (Akonolinga, Yaounde, Nguelemendouka, Bengbis, Djoum,Mbalmayo, Eseka, Ngoyla, Ambam, Nkolmetet, Garoua-Boulai, Bertoua, etc.), as well as in all the localies of the Western Highlands and the Guinea high savannah zones, (minimum temperatures between 18 and 22°C at night).
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